تأثير أشعة كاما عمى خضاب دم المصابين بفقر دم البحر االبيض المتوسط


  • حسين علي الجبوري جامعة النهرين، كلية العلوم، قسم الفيزياء




Effect of gamma- radiation on hemoglobin of some thalasseamia patients type (β- Thalasseamia) was studies Irradiated the sample of hemoglobin of thalss. patients increased the Methamoglobin percent (MetHb %) with increase radiation doses to 7.0 Gy, until reach to saturation state at 47% for thalss. hemoglobin samples compared with 23% for normal hemoglobin samples and increased the radiation doses decrease of hemoglobin–F percent (HbF%) to reach this percent to 0.01% at 1.77 Gy for normal hemoglobin samples compared with 1.1% for thalss hemoglobin samples, and increased to reach saturation state at 3.6% in to thalss. hemoglobin samples compared with 2.77% in normal hemoglobin samples.Determined 1.77 Gy radiation doses refer reflected point for the behavior of (HbF%) with increased of radiation doses, and refer this doses as the dose of maximum level effect for the change in hemoglobin at low doses range . This study help the diagnosis in cases of thalss. patient with interface of chemical or physical treatment. To hope thalss. patient during in decrease of (HbF%) and reaching to normal level






How to Cite

تأثير أشعة كاما عمى خضاب دم المصابين بفقر دم البحر االبيض المتوسط. ANJS 2007, 10 (1), 7-10.

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