استخدام مقياس متعدد ألابعاد وأنموذج الدالة التميزية لتحميل التراكيب الكيميائية لنماذج الحليب المجفف


  • علي عبد الحافظ إبراهيم كلية العلوم، جامعة النهرين




This research paper aims to achieve the study of analyzing different types of dry milk. Hence, in order to achieve this goal, we used two methods namely Multi-dimensional Scaling and Discriminant Function analysis.A- Determined and explained the number of dimensions that in the graph (map) for different types of dry milk. It follows, also, to explain the relationship between elements in a tangible manner, by using multidimensional scaling.B- The classification of different types of dry milk into two groups. Full cream milk and infant formula.The researcher has used (20) samples of different types of milk, which had been drawn randomly, therefore these samples had been analyzed in the laboratory.The researcher arrived at the following results:1- Designed a graph which contained two dimension 2- It represent fat variable throw the x-axis, in meanwhile, it represents Acidity and Humidity throw the y-axis.3- It gathers three groups in each axis alone and in the two axis at the same time, by using Multidimensional Scaling.4- Classification the samples of different types of dry milk. Into two groups. Full cream milk and infant formula, throw determine the value of the Discriminant function of (20) samples of different types of dry milks.






How to Cite

استخدام مقياس متعدد ألابعاد وأنموذج الدالة التميزية لتحميل التراكيب الكيميائية لنماذج الحليب المجفف. ANJS 2018, 11 (1), 46-57.