الحاد والمزمن في محافظة ديالى (B ) تقييم فحوصات وظائف الكبد لدى المرضى المصابين بالتهاب الكبد الفيروسي نمط


  • تمارا عامر طه كمية التربية االساسية ، جامعة ديالى
  • ولاء نجم عبود كلية الطب ، جامعة ديالى




This study was conducted from 1st. October 2003 to 30 August 2004, in the Public Health Laboratory and Learning Baquba Hospital, to evaluate the liver function test among patient with acute and chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in relation to healthy subject.Three groups were included; 105 patients with laboratory confirmed acute HBV infection, 37(35.2%) were females with mean age (27.2 ±17.6) years, and 68 (64.8%) were males with mean age (26.2 ±15.4) years. 105 patients with laboratory confirmed chronic HBV infection, 36(34.3%) were females with mean age (35.2 ± 12.2) years, and 69(65.7%) were males with mean age (32.4 ± 11.8) years. Additionally, 117 apparently healthy individuals were enrolled as a control group, of those 57(48.7%) were females with mean age (23.2± 5.9) years, and 60(51.3%) were males with mean age (28.7± 5.9) years.Patients with laboratory confirmed acute HBV infection, beside the clinical and biochemical evidence, they were HBsAg and anti-HBcIgM antibody positive. While patients with chronic HBV infection were HBsAg positive. Liver function test were assessed by enzymatic biochemical procedures.The results also revealed that the difference in the median of liver function tests; namely serum total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, serum Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), serum Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), serum total protein and serum alkaline phosphatase were significantly different among the three study groups P (Kruskal-Wallis) Additionally, paired comparison of the median liver function test between each two groups was also statically significant P(Mann-Whitney) < 0.001The evaluation of liver function test could be benefit in differentiation between acute and chronic hepatitis B infection in absence of clinical symptoms.Keyword: Liver function test, Acute hepatitis B, Chronic hepatitis






How to Cite

الحاد والمزمن في محافظة ديالى (B ) تقييم فحوصات وظائف الكبد لدى المرضى المصابين بالتهاب الكبد الفيروسي نمط. ANJS 2018, 14 (3), 46-56.