Investigation of the Nuclear Structure for Some p-Shell Nuclei by Harmonic Oscillator and Woods-Saxon Potentials


  • Ahmed N Abdullah Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad-Iraq. Corresponding


Harmonic oscillator potential, Woods-Saxon potential, charge density distributions, quadrupole form factors, p-shell Nuclei


The single particle radial wave functions of harmonic oscillator potential and Woods-Saxon potential have been used to calculate the charge density distributions, charge form factor and the matter and charge root mean square (rms) radii for some odd-A 1p shell nuclei, namely 9Be, 11B, 13C and 15N nuclei. The calculated results are compared with the measured data. Calculations show that both the Wood-Saxson (WS) and harmonic oscillator (HO) potentials are capable of providing theoretical predictions on the structure of p-shell nuclei and be in a satisfactory description with those of experimental data. The quadrupole form factors contribution for 9Be and 11B nuclei are carried out using undeformed p-shell model and give a well accordance with the measured results.







How to Cite

Investigation of the Nuclear Structure for Some P-Shell Nuclei by Harmonic Oscillator and Woods-Saxon Potentials. ANJS 2017, 20 (2), 42-48.