Forged Copy-Move Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network


  • Ayat Fadhel Homady Sewan Department of Computers Science, Collage of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Mohammed Sahib Mahdi Altaei Department of Computers Science, Collage of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq


Copy-move, CNN, Image forgery recognition, Buster net, Digital forensics


Due to the extreme robust image editing techniques, digital images are subject to multiple manipulations and decreased costs for digital camera and smart phones. Therefore, image credibility is becoming questionable, specifically when images have strong value, such as news report and insurance claims in a crime court. Therefore, image forensic methods test the integrity of the images by applying various highly technical methods set out in the literature. The present work deals with one important research module is the recognition of forged part that applied on copy move forgery images. Two datasets MICC-F2000 and CoMoFoD are used, these datasets are usually adopted in the field of interest. The module concerned with recognizing which is the source image portion and which is the target one of that already detected. Thus, the two detected tampered parts of the image are recognized the original one from them, the other is then referred as forged or tampered part. The proposed module used the buster net of three neural networks that basically adopted the principle of training by using Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to extract the most important features in the images. The first and second networks are parallel working to detect and identify areas that have been tampered with, and then display them through two masks. While the last network classifier takes a copy of these two catchers to decide which is the source image portion from the two detected ones. The achieved recognition results were about F-score 98.98% even if the forged area is rotated or scaled or both of them. Also, the recognition results of the forged image part was 98% when using images do not contributed in the training phase, which refers to that the proposed module is more confident and reliable.







How to Cite

Forged Copy-Move Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network. ANJS 2021, 24 (1), 45-56.