A Proposed Measurement for Video Quality of Experience


  • Rana Fareed Ghani Department of Computer Science, University of Technology, Baghdad-Iraq.
  • Amal Sufiuh Ajrash Department of Computer Science, Collage of Science for Women, University of Baghdad, Baghdad-Iraq.


Cross Validation, Feature Extraction, Mean Opinion Score (MOS), Neural Network, Quality of Experience (QoE)


Technological development in the last years leads to increase the access speed in the networks that allow a huge number of users watching videos online. The Quality of Experience (QoE) Knowledge of services that provide from the network is a very critical matter to have a strong design of multimedia streaming networks. This paper provides a video streaming QoE prediction metric that does not require any information on the reference video. The proposed system extract numbers of features from videos that used to train the neural network and finally prediction the QoE value. Verify models prediction using 10-fold cross-validation that in a regular way split dataset (training set and test set) with multiple percentages. The proposed system verifies the best result.






How to Cite

A Proposed Measurement for Video Quality of Experience. ANJS 2019, 22 (3), 75-81.